Private Label and White Label Product Manufacturing Programs
Private Label: Our turnkey private label product manufacturing programs are designed as individual new product development projects, utilizing our qualified and approved client’s product formulation.
White Label: Our turnkey white label product manufacturing programs are designed as individual new product development projects, utilizing Pharma Natural proprietary product formulations from our portfolio of over 200 pre-approved nutraceutical and OTC products. Product formulations are licensed to approved white label clients, for use strictly according to such licensing.
Each new project includes the following project deliverables:


  • Pharma Natural’s prospective client due diligence and vetting process
  • Product raw materials ingredients and other ingredients sourcing and pricing
  • Product manufacturing process specification and pricing
  • Product branding, labeling and packaging specification, processes specification and pricing.
  • Pharma Natural Health Sciences and Research & Development Lab’s Client Formulation Assessment for compliance with our product integrity standard (private label only)
  • Product warehousing specification and pricing (white label only)
  • Product shipping, distribution and delivery logistics specification and pricing (white label only)